Munich; The Good and the Bad
Visiting our former exchange student= good and then a former concentration camp= bad
23.06.2023 - 25.06.2023
80 °F
Grandkids Trip 2
on Miss Chris's travel map.
Next stop: Munich
We hopped on a train to Munich then a tram, all in the effort to meet up with our former exchange student from so long ago. We have visited his family on several occasions both in the US and in Munich.
Tobias is a great cook so we always look forward to a meal at his house and this was no exception. Small plates for starters then paella with grilled chicken and shrimp. The entire meal was made on the grill in a cast iron pot. Now we must try to duplicate this at home.
The following morning, we got up a little later, ate breakfast, then took the tram to Dachau, a concentration camp near Munich. This was the 1st concentration camp and was a place to move the undesirables to at first. You know; those pesky gays, trans, gypsies, people who have the wrong sided opinions; those sorts of people. Like the ones now who you hear referred to “I don’t have to recognize the gender they are claiming” and people like that.
Unfortunately, people were murdered there eventually, not as many as Auschwitz, but too many. The mistreatment was horrible. At one point, our grandson said “I can’t look at these pictures”. And it was true, we were shaken to our core. Just eating lunch in the area where so many starved to death, was not easy.
On our way back we stopped at the Marienplatz, a plaza that we like, and found that there was a huge “Pride Celebration” going on. I won’t condemn the people we know who don’t have regard for other life styles, but, Dale and I take pride in knowing that we now live in a country that for the most part embraces diversity. It was nice to see people being able to be out in public together, unlike a time not that long ago, or as it is in some countries, when they would have been condemned to jail or worse.
Posted by Miss Chris 15:15 Archived in Germany Tagged germany concentration_camp munich dachau international_travel pride_celebration grandkid_trip grandkid_travel